101 – Basics – General Company Policy

101 – Basics – General Company Policy

This course, titled "Course 101 - Basics - General Company Policy," provides an overview of the policies and procedures that apply to all employees of the organization. Topics covered include the company's code of conduct, information pertaining to workplace standards, breaks and event policies. This course is designed for new employees and serves as an introduction to the company's values and expectations.

Responsible Dana Pedersen
Last Update 05/02/2024
Members 33
Onboarding Employee Contractor Volunteer
  • Introduction
    3Lessons ·
    • Introduction to Our Company
    • How to Use This Course
    • Agreement of Course Content
  • Company Policies
    4Lessons ·
    • Confidentiality Agreement
    • Responsibility to the Company
    • Conflict of Interest
    • Personal Relationships
  • Workplace Standards
    4Lessons ·
    • Check your Shift Notes
    • Work Attire
    • Staying Neutral in the Workplace
    • Appropriate Conversations
  • Personal Device and Media Policies
    4Lessons ·
    • Social Media Do's
    • Social Media Do Not
    • Cell Phone and Smart Watch Do's
    • Cell Phone and Smart Watch Do Not
  • Breaks and Food
    3Lessons ·
    • Breaks - During Warehouse Shifts
    • Breaks - During an Event
    • Breaks - Banquet/Event Provided Food
  • Substances
    4Lessons ·
    • Alcohol and Other Substance Rules
    • Cannabis Rules
    • Smoking and Vaping Do's
    • Smoking and Vaping Do Not
  • Equipment
    4Lessons ·
    • Food and Liquids Near Equipment
    • Equipment Basics Do's
    • Equipment Basics Do Not
    • Do Not Use Company Vehicles for Personal Use
  • Cleaning
    2Lessons ·
    • Always Be Cleaning (ABC's)
    • Clean as a Team
  • Event Policies
    8Lessons ·
    • Responding to Customers
    • Additional Requests
    • Do Not Abuse Your Association with Sound In Town
    • No Solicitation
    • Do Not Accept Any Gifts
    • Draws and Giveaways
    • Re-Training
    • Raising Concerns & Responses
  • End of Course
    1Lessons ·