102 - Basics - General Safety Orientation

102 - Basics - General Safety Orientation

This course outlines the basic safety rules when working for Sound In Town.

Responsible Russell Eggleston
Last Update 03/21/2024
Members 18
Onboarding Employee Contractor Volunteer
  • Course Welcome
    2Lessons ·
    • Agreement of Course Content
    • General Safety
  • Personal Safety
    7Lessons ·
    • See Something; Say Something
    • Don't Be a Hero
    • Other Options to make Work Safe
    • Proper Lifting Technique
    • Proper Lifting - Video
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Basics: Required
    • Additional PPE
  • Team Safety
    3Lessons ·
    • The "Got It" Rule
    • Illness
    • Incident Reporting
  • Equipment Safety
    7Lessons ·
    • No Lean Rule
    • Overhead Rules
    • Container Safety
    • Lighting/Stand Safety
    • Inspecting Equipment for Safe Use
    • Damage to Powered Equipment
    • End of Course