104 - Driving: Company Vehicle and Your Own

104 - Driving: Company Vehicle and Your Own

This course will go over the expectations and remittance process when employees use their own vehicle for work purposes with Sound In Town. If you use your vehicle from home to your main work location this policy does not apply. It only comes into effect when an employee uses their vehicle for the following:

  • Traveling between work locations during work hours
  • Transporting equipment
  • Any approved travel by your supervisor
Responsible Russell Eggleston
Last Update 03/14/2024
Members 11
Onboarding Employee Contractor
  • Basics
    2Lessons ·
    • Vehicle Inspection
    • Parking
  • Safety
    2Lessons ·
    • Driving Safety
    • Emergency Kit
  • Personal Vehicle
    3Lessons ·
    • Vehicle Criteria
    • Personal Vehicle Inspection
    • Getting Paid for Km's
  • End of Course
    1Lessons ·
    • End of Course