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[POLY CASE] Sennheiser 4x Wireless Transmitter Case

BELOW is a 4x Wireless Transmitter Case with all items. This course applies to all frequencies. 
NOTE the mic clips are stored on the mics (Transmitters)

BELOW  is both the headsets and the lapel mics. These are stored in baggies to keep their cables from tangling. 
NOTE: watch out for these getting caught in the seam of the case when closing it. 

BELOW is one of the BODYPACK TRANSMITTER, open to show the batteries. Scan all the batteries in the transmitters and make sure they're inserted properly. 
NOTE: when storing, make sure the antenna is near the top so it's not bent in storage. 

BELOW is a mic (TRANSMITTER) opened to view the barcode and access the batteries. 
NOTE: to open, twist the bottom half of the mic clockwise to unscrew. 

BELOW shows the batteries in the mic (TRANSMITTER). Ensure they are scanned and inserted the correct way. 

Make sure all batteries are scanned that are in the transmitters. There should be no loose batteries floating inside the case. 

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