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[POLY RACK CASE] 4x Sennheiser Wireless Rack Case

BELOW is a closed 4x Sennheiser Wireless Rack Case. The course applies to all frequencies. 
NOTE: you do not need to check the back of this rack case. 

BELOW shows the front of the 4x Sennheiser Wireless Rack Case. 
NOTE that everything is screwed in and that makes it a permanent item in Flex. 
ALSO NOTE two stickers that say CHECK STORAGE. These will need their contents rebuilt. 

BELOW shows one of the BATTERY STORAGE units. The batteries will need to be scanned in. 
NOTE that the batteries need to be stored with the positive ends all facing the same direction (as shown)

BELOW is the contents of the RACK DRAWER. These items will need to be rebuilt in Flex. 

Once the Battery Rack and Rack drawer are RTR then the 4x Sennheiser Wireless Rack Case is ready to be RTR and put away. 

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